About Us

The key principles of travel are to learn new things and explore new ways of living. In the UK, there are many great cities and towns, each with their own vibrant culture and lifestyle. But how can you travel around the UK for as little money as possible??? Rising train fares, expensive meals out, and charges for public attractions can eventually take a toll on your bank account.

But did you know there are also many low cost and free of charge activities you can do too? The Brown Minimalist blog has in depth reviews to help you enrich your travels for as little money as possible and get the best value out of your train ticket.

Interesting facts about The Brown Minimalist

  • The Brown Minimalist was set up by accident after purchasing a blog plan from Bluehost in May 2020
  • ‘Minimalist’ in the name is a reflection on saving money and travelling with as few things as possible to make the experience less stressful
  • This blog was inspired by Never Ending Footsteps, Nas Daily, and Drew Binsky
  • The niche was originally intended to be travelling and wrist watches, but now the focus is on travel