Veggie Ramen Soup on the Go- Abundance of Flavor

Veggie Ramen Soup on the Go- Abundance of Flavor

In this post, guest writer Kalin from Abundance of Flavor shares her recipe for veggie ramen soup. Perfect for your travels! Through her food blog, Kalin loves encouraging others in the kitchen to step out of their comfort zone and try something new.  She is located out of North Carolina and loves trying new local restaurants and exploring different cuisines.

Few things can beat the warmth and comfort of homemade soup. Soup can provide a little taste of home even when you’re hundreds of miles away, so why not take it with you on your next adventure? All you need is a few readily-available ingredients and a thermos to enjoy in Veggie Ramen Soup on the go!

Not only is indulging in soup a soothing experience, it can easily be a healthy meal to provide you with the needed nutrients to carry throughout your day. Sipping on a cup of hot broth filled with a plethora of veggies can satisfy your hunger cravings and fuel your body for what lies ahead. The allure of speedy fast food can be overwhelming when you’re exhausted and in need of a quick bite, but it can be even easier to eat a bountiful meal with a little prep on your part.

How to make navigating around the grocery store less challenging

I know personally how surprisingly challenging it can be to navigate an unfamiliar grocery store, especially in areas that aren’t as well-versed in your native language. By packing small packs of ramen and flavor-packed bouillon cubes, you can forego the grocery store and pick up the rest of your ingredients at a local market or from a street vendor! Immersing yourself in the local culture and buying wholesome ingredients is a win in my book.

Another great thing about making soup is that it can be customized completely to what ingredients and tools you have available! My recipe below can serve as a guide, but feel free to swap out vegetables and herbs for what’s easy and available to you. Just be mindful that the thinner the better — heartier produce such as potatoes will most likely not cook through. You can even find appropriately sized veggies that don’t need any chopping and require little prep, such as peas, bean sprouts, or mushrooms.

Mason Jar vs Thermos

In order to make this soup truly on the go, you’ll need a proper vessel to carry along with you. Mason jars are great when eating the soup soon after eating and can double as a water jug when you finish your meal. They also are microwavable if you have that appliance handy. As cute as they are, they’re not insulated and a lot of heat will be lost fairly quickly. An insulated thermos or flask is ideal to preserve the heat of the soup for a longer period of time and keep a little extra warmth you may crave in cold climates!

Find your fresh ingredients, gather your pantry items, find a heat source and grab your thermos. You’re ready to go!

Veggie Ramen Soup on the Go Instructions


  • Ramen noodle packet
  • Vegetable Bouillon cube


  • Variety of vegetables, sliced thin if needed (carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, bean sprouts, snow peas, green onions)
  • Fresh herbs

Equipment Needed

  • Knife – optional
  • Microwave, kettle, coffee maker
  • Spoon
  • To-go container (mason jar, thermos, flask)
  1. Bring 2-4 cups of water to a boil using a kettle, coffee maker, or microwave that is
  2. Place the ramen noodles in the boiling water and let sit for 4-5 minutes until tender.
    Remove and place in your to-go container.
  3. Slice large vegetables thin if needed. Replenish water and bring back to a boil. Add the
    vegetables and the bouillon cube to the water. Let sit until the vegetables are cooked
    through, about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour vegetables and broth into the container with the noodles and enjoy on the go!

2 thoughts on “Veggie Ramen Soup on the Go- Abundance of Flavor

    1. This soup certainly does look delicious! You’re welcome to do another guest post anytime you like. I look forward to reading more of your recipes.

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